Unblock King (Android) by mobirixsub software


Looking for the English software to “Unblock King (Android)” by mobirixsub from the album Puzzle (Downloads 22,299)? More than 6 people have already found information of the software “Unblock King (Android)”.

Unblock King for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes
Unblock King

Quote from the software “Unblock King (Android)” by mobirixsub

Unblock King is a puzzle game where your objective consists of getting the red block out of the jumble of wood blocks in each level. To do this, you have to slide the rest of the normal blocks around. It won't take you long to figure out that as you advance, the puzzles get more and more difficult.


If you want to download “Unblock King (Android)” the software will be below

Unblock King (Android) software [mobirixsub]

mobirixsub: Unblock King (Android) software

More information “Unblock King (Android)”

    Package Name com.mobirix.slideking License Free Op. System Android Category Puzzle Language English 38 more Author mobirixsub Downloads 22,299 Date Mar 3, 2023 Content Rating +3 Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: Mar 3, 2023

Unblock King (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Unblock King (Android) software

Unblock King (Android) of the mobirixsub Released in Downloads 22,299

[Software “Unblock King (Android)” with perfect software]

Unblock King is a puzzle game where your objective consists of getting the red block out of the jumble of wood blocks in each level. To do this, you have to slide the rest of the normal blocks around. It won't take you long to figure out that as you advance, the puzzles get more and more difficult.

In Unblock King you'll find more than 2,000 levels. Yes, more than two THOUSAND. All are divided into four different difficulty levels (easy, normal, difficult, and pro), so you can start with the simplest puzzles to get the hang of the gameplay and gradually increase the difficulty.

Every time you finish a game level you get a score based on the number of moves you made. To get three stars in a level, you can't make practically any mistakes at all. It other words, each move needs to have a purpose.

Unblock King is a simple and addictive puzzle game. With no real need for amazing graphics, it manages to keep you glued to your screen for hours and hours on end.

Download Unblock King for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes